Entries by Andrew Gadomski

Change Management: Assign Great Responsibility

Straight out of Pritchett, but undeniable. Change management is a tricky business, and our team knows cause we are in it. But there are certain concepts that must be brought to fruition in order to make change sticky. Assigning great responsibility to members of the team (not necessarily leaders) is a key ingredient. With great […]

200 Words on Surprises

Yes, they do happen – even to the best organizations. People leave. Offers are declined unexpectedly. Candidates don’t show. Okay…maybe it happens more than we think. It’s actually the norm. Surprises pop up all the time, and because of that the concept of drilling and practice is something that is required but rarely done. When […]

200 Words: Feedback

This is not something to fear, but embrace. Being proactive about your production, process, and relationship management capability with your clients is a good thing. Even our team needs to do it more. Feedback can be achieved on a daily or weekly basis, or even at the end of a project, but there is a […]

200 Words: Flexagility

I totally stole this word from a client and it means exactly what you think – the ability to be flexible with the work you perform. In the continued conversation about transformation and the “new recruiting”, flexagility may be one of the most critical functions of the “new recruiter”, aka Talent Officer or Talent Advisor. […]