DC B25-0114, the Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act – the sequel from 2021
The Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of DC is back again – and improved.
The fine ready Act declares employers shall disclose AI usage in employment and test for bias. Disclosure includes native languages when 500 or more people speak it in DC. According to Microsoft Copilot, 168 languages are spoken at home by DC residents.
Employers need audits, maintain for 5 years, and use third parties. Up to $10,000 per violation by the DC Attorney General and another $100 to $10000 per individual impacted. Of note, violations collected by the DC Attorney General’s office funds the DC Litigation Support Fund which pays for several DC legal expenses and violence prevention and redistributes taxpayer revenues to other DC needs.
References B25-0114 – Stop Discrimination by Algorithms Act of 2023, DC Council, Feb 2, 2023 | Media and quote from original statement and/or guidance. [Open Source]